Saturday, December 15, 2007

I added several screen shots, some funny, some of the really rare and hard to catch fish. I will add the fish found in each area and fishing site next. I hope that will help others in figuring out which fish haven't been caught in that area yet.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Fishing on the Wii Comes of Age

Fancy yourself a great fisherman or fisherwoman? Then you must give the new Wii Fishing Master game a go. I haven't had so much fun since I played Bass Fishing on my Sega Dreamcast. Start with a basic fishing pole and one unlimited type of bait for either fresh or salt water. It would have been nicer to have a different setting, say World wide, instead of just being based in Japan. Although it did bring back nice memories of that area of the World.

Your goal in each area is to gain enough experience to be able to enter a tournament. Once you win the tournament another area on the map is revealed and your fishing quest continues until you are rewarded with a secret location and the ultimate title.